Peppermint is a powerful antioxidant used to protect the body from the formation of cancerous cells. When applied to the back of the head, peppermint oil is commonly used to treat mental fatigue, migraines, anxiety, & depression. It is known to provide a cooling sensation to the skin.
Mugwort, the dreamer. The dried Mugwort plant is commonly added to smoking blends because its thick, white, low-odor smoke is soothing and smooth. It is best known for its association with colorful, & lucid dreaming. When brewed into a tea it’s good for digestion, helping with constipation and diarrhea, and can also relieve headaches. In addition to this, mugwort acts as an excellent remedy for painful menstruation, stimulate the digestion, treat colic, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, great for moxibustion. Mugwort is one of the key ingredients used in Lavender dreams due to its ability to enhance dreaming & in some cases users have reported prophetic dreams & astral travel.
Chamomile has specific beneficial properties that are released through smoking or vaporization. It is one of the main ingredients used in Lavender Dreams because of its ability to promote relaxation & a restful sleep. Chamomile directly targets & regulates the nervous system, therefore has the ability to treat both depression & anxiety. Lastly, chamomile is known to reduce tobacco cravings!
My personal favorite. Lavender is one of the most renowned medicinal herbs in the world. Just the smell of Lavender itself has the ability to ease the mind. Lavender helps with both nervousness & insomnia, promoting both relaxation & restful sleep. It has the ability to relieve painful headaches, sore muscles, & even intestinal gas. The main benefit of smoking lavender is the ability to get rid of nicotine without experiencing a major part of the withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, it is not only used in Lavender Dreams, but in Mothers Medicine as well.
Marshmallow root used in our Mothers Medicine blend produces a soothing smoke. Marshmallow’s therapeutic uses can be traced back to early Europe. Its botanical name, Althaea officinalis, refers to ‘althos’: Greek for ‘healer’. Later, Marshmallow was believed to have magical properties that gave psychic abilities to those who burned the plant and used it as incense.
Studies show that marshmallow contains flavonoids which harbor both anti-inflammatory and phagocytic properties. When smoked, marshmallow has a relaxing effect on the mind, & body. The dried root of marshmallow has been used traditionally to treat cough and sore throat. Marshmallow root is also useful for bronchitis and other inflammation, in tea as a digestive aid, and as a weight loss aid that blocks feelings of hunger.
Mullein is the additive of choice for herbal smoking mixes. It produces a soothing, dense, white smoke that works to ease the harshness of other ingredients in the mix. It helps treat anxiety, & can also be made into tea in order to fight respiratory infections. The leaves of mullein should be added to smoking blends in order to impart body and flavor, as well as cut down on harshness. Mullein is used almost exclusively for this purpose & is an ingredient used in both Mothers Medicine & Spirit Nectar.
Mugwort, the dreamer. The dried Mugwort plant is commonly added to smoking blends because its thick, white, low-odor smoke is soothing and smooth. It is best known for its association with colorful, & lucid dreaming. When brewed into a tea it’s good for digestion, helping with constipation and diarrhea, and can also relieve headaches. In addition to this, mugwort acts as an excellent remedy for painful menstruation, stimulate the digestion, treat colic, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, great for moxibustion. Mugwort is one of the key ingredients used in Lavender dreams due to its ability to enhance dreaming & in some cases users have reported prophetic dreams & astral travel.
This earthy flavored flower produces a pleasant, smooth smoke, making it a key ingredient used in Lavender Dreams. It was traditionally used as a remedy for promoting calm and treating seizures, hysteria, and anxiety, passion flower is still renowned as a relaxant and sedative.
When used in traditional medicine, passion flower is often combined with other herbs and used as a sedative to promote relaxation and calmness. Its flavonoids and alkaloids are believed to stimulate the central nervous system.
The origin of this flower can be attributed to Hernando Cortez who conquered Mexico in the 16th century; the priests and soldiers who accompanied him thought that the whitish-purple flowers of the vine symbolized the Passion of Christ; the corona in the center of the flower was Christ’s crown of thorns, and the five stamens represented the number of Christ’s wounds. The flower’s tendrils were the whips used to beat him, and the five petals represent 10 of the apostles. The Spanish explorers believed that the passion flower was a symbol of Christ’s passion and therefore an indication of his ‘approval’ for their expedition.
Rose petals are not only beautiful, but also contain healing properties when ingested. Rose petals have many benefits that have been traditionally recognized by many cultures; they have a high Vitamin C content & have been known to give natural boosts to your health. Benefits range from skincare to soothing a sore throat and can be ingested or used as a topical agent. Rose tea contains several antioxidants, making it excellent for relieving a sore throat & promoting relaxation. Another benefit of the antioxidant properties of Rose Petals is boosting & cleansing the liver.
Blue Lotus is a sacred flower from ancient Egypt & THE key ingredient used in Spirit Nectar, which I would personal attribute as the healing secret of the blend. Blue lotus is also known as blue water lily & is widely known for it's euphoric effects. Blue Lotus has the ability to produce mild psychoactive effects when smoked. It has been been used in traditional medicine as a sleep aid for thousands of years due to the relaxing effects it produces. It has also been used as an anxiolytic for the soothing relaxation that they provide.
Klippa Dagga is another intentional herb used in Spirit Nectar. Smoking this dried herb gives an euphoric-like effect and exuberance. It is native to tropical Africa and southern India & has been used in African traditional medicine for years as a treatment for fevers, headaches, malaria, dysentery and snakebite. The dried foliage of Leonotis - both Wild Dagga and Klip Dagga - can be used as a legal substitute for marijuana (ganja, cannabis, hemp).
An infamous ingredient in Lavender Dreams; famed as a natural sedative, skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) has been referred to as “one of the finest nervines and antispasmodics given to humanity.” The dried leaves and stems are said to treat anxiety, insomnia, and even hysteria.
Skullcap helps to enhance mood and reduce anxiety in a similar way to that of pharmaceutical sedative drugs. Unlike pharmaceutical sedatives, skullcap doesn’t produce negative side effects on energy or cognition. Smoked Skullcap enters the bloodstream more quickly than tinctures, and can be combined with the sedative herb Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) to relieve circular thinking or spiraling thoughts.